Wintertime Refocus

Nutrition/Diet/Lifestyle/Eating/Exercise. Currently not succeeding in this area! Am I doing horribly? No. Do I feel I could be doing better? Yes.

Yeah my A1c is amazing: 5.9!!!! 🤯 That is all being bold with insulin & lots of correction micro-dosing. Doesn’t bother me but I’d love it if I didn’t chase the alarms (that I set at 130 as my high limit) so much. I hate that I’m not stoked about my A1c. I’ve been working towards results of less than 7…with what I thought was a pipe dream goal of less than 6, for years. I want to be over the moon. Instead, I’m in my head about my weight.

Current weight is 184.5 lbs. This is over shadowing my successes. Or, it has been. It’s the first of the month so I’m paying bills and planning my groceries for the month. Yes, I try really hard to do this monthly and it does save me money. Another perk is that I don’t eat as much crud.💁‍♀️

I follow Wicked Woman Old Soul on FB and it fills me will encouragement and motivation and peace and focus. And reminds me that it is okay not to be perfect.

Since this popped up in my feed it’s really been helping me get back to how I am best. Motivated with grace for myself. This past year, that grace has manifested as excuses half the time but I’m ready to work again. This is how I am with health. I’m never just horrible but my level of excellence ebbs and flows.

I’m ready to be better. Are you?

P.S. I think I do this about this time every year. New Years resolutions aren’t as solid as winter resolutions IMO.

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